BEST m0vie f0r the GIRLS!!

       I just f0und 0ut during my h0liday in Kuantan that there's the best m0vie f0r girls t0 watch..entitled. .
                        ~ANGUS,TH0NGS AND PERFECT SN0GGING~

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the st0ry's ab0ut. .
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this girl
her name is GE0RGIA*
wh0 wanna get

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this man!!

in this film u can see. .
h0w ur bestfren always by urside
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 the VALUABLE friendship that's hard t0 get at anywhere

and 0f c0urse. .
a l0ving family.. .
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she's trying her best t0 s0lve the misunderstand between her l0ver,frens & family..
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untill she reached her g0al
t0 get HIM!!

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s0,what d0 y0u guys waiting f0r. .g0 n watching this m0vie right n0w!!! :))
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the BEST day 0f the year!!

ok. .the day g0t crazier when my c0usins and i went t0 GAMBANG WATER PARK!!. .hmm. .there's a l0t 0f funny stuff happened there. .e.g :
*being aimed by the lifeguard c0z t0o much asking! hehe
*when we played SLIDES,l0ngest can0py,dark galaxy and fastest crystal . .u sh0uld l0ok my c0usin's face c0z she really scared. .haha. .0ff rec0rd!
*c0z this is my 1st experience went t0 the water park. .(s0 happy!) LOL. .haha .
.thats all i c0uld think 0f right n0w. after we g0t h0me,we all had drumroll in our st0mach s0,we went d0wnstairs f0r dinner and 0ff t0 bed!!. .yippy. .and t0day. .after we woke up,my b0dy gets s0 damn LENGUH!! hahaahaha. . my arms,my legs,my back and all parts 0f the b0dy hard t0 m0ve FREELY. .serve MY right c0z BERGEMBIRE SMPAI X INGAT DUNIE!! hahaha XD . .. and after this we're g0nna buy bus tickets and
 bye2 KUANTAN. .WELC0ME JB!! nahh. .h0me sweet h0me!!
. .thanx f0r reading,have a nice day and see ya! :))
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KUANTAN 0n the b0ard

I'm here in KUANTAN!!

The GO0Ds & The BAD in here:

~the G00Ds~
-I can update my bl0g in a blink 0f an eye :))
-0f c0urse,on9 FACEB0OK everyday. .haha
-I learn c0oking fr0m my c0usin. .*e.g:pancake,tart(I really enj0yed myself!)
-hang0ut with my c0usins at the beach and chilled 0urselves!(it's really c0ol yesterday)
-I learn h0w t0 speak BRITISH english fluently*its AWES0ME!!
-watching the best movie ever(ANGUS,TH0NGS AND PERFECT SN0GGING) with c0usins!!

~The BAD~
-wake up very late*that's unacceptable. .0h,c0me on. .wake up at 11 0'clock in the m0rning??. .u gotta b kidding me!!
-eating 24/7!!. .OMG!. I might turn int0 a big UGLY GIANT m0nster next year. .*ch0ii!!

~that's all I guess?? by this time. .
h0 h0. .I can see that the G0ODs are m0re than the BAD. .s0,i think. .
KUANTAN n0t that BAD at all. .haha

time t0 sleep. .*see ya later! :)) thanx f0r reading this. .

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The J0urney

hey there!! I'm new here and just start p0sting in this b0ring bl0g. .I kn0w that .but. .I just d0nt wanna care..let me finish my w0rds..First of all,nice t0 meet u. .yeah. .u!! thanx f0r viewing this p0st.(tu p0n law ade yg nk neng0k??) haha .ok.n0w,we're back on my title ''The J0urney''. .erm. .n0t the J0URNEY T0 THE WITCH M0UNTAIN ok. .haha. that film .This is s0mething else. .frankly,I never ever kn0w anything ab0ut bl0gging. .h0wever,after being taught by my l0vely c0usin,ANISA RUZAIMI. .nah. .here's my bl0g!! yeah. .*while clapping my hand. .ok. .but please .. I still d0nt quiet understand h0w's it g0nna w0rk. .hehe. .all this time,I'm just bz with my FACEB00K. .that's why I'm zer0 at this. I just wanna say,. .my j0urney on bl0gging g0nna start fr0m t0day and ,. .MAYBE 0nwards. .if I have any idea t0 write ab0ut s0mething that u g0nna read it. .thats 0nly f0r t0day. .I g0tta g0 t0 sleep. .0h dear! .its very very early in the m0rning right n0w. .tata!! :).
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